

Maintain Your Position

If you went to the movies  to see the latest release but halfway through the movie you decided you didn't like the direction of the script and left, would you have gained anything? Could you rightly say how the movie went? Would you have the right to determine if it was a good movie or not? Frankly no!! You cannot watch the movie halfway through and make conclusions based on such. Yes, you may make predictions which turn out to be true, however that does not change the fact that your predictions could go either way. Similarly, many times in our Christian journey we are hard pressed with situations that make us think we should bail before the end. 

Over the last few weeks I have been faced with a number of challenges that caused me to hold strong to my faith lest I fall. It seemed asif all that could go wrong had gone wrong or would go wrong. Unsettling drama on the job, family issues, personal struggles and the list continues. However, through it all I have decided that matters not what may come my way I vow to trust God. It's not very easy when tears are streaming down your cheeks and your veins are throbbing almost like they are about to explode to take the decision to trust God. There were moments the only reason I trusted God was because he has a perfect track record of being ontime. There have been situations I decided I would try to fix for myself but then remember that while this is new for me God has maintained a perfect record of problem solving and way making all my life. 

Job was a honorable man. The word of God tells us that Job was blameless. Nevertheless, God gave the enemy permission to touch Job situation and all Job had fell apart. He lost his family, all his possessions and even his health. However, through it all Job had one thing to say that always stand out in my memory:

  "Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him (Job 13:15)". 

Can we honestly look at our situations and say though God allowed me to lose my house I will trust him. I lost my child but I will trust him. I am jobless but I will trust him. I have been lied on, talked about, misunderstood but I will trust him? It's not very easy or easy at all but like Job we need to maintain our positions. We can't afford to lower our banners but instead keep praising. The Lord gives and he taketh away (Job 1:21). The end of the movie is yet to come. We haven't seen the twist the director has for us and we sure won't see it if we leave the theatre now.  Job maintained his position all the way while he was facing his dilemma. He stood his ground and yes he saw the twist in the movie that the director had just for him. Job was restored beyond that which he had (Job 42:10). He had more beautiful children, lots more animals and an increase in all he had before. (Job 42:12) 

Brethrens, I encourage you while I encourage myself that we ought to maintain our positions in Christ. Situations become tough and temptations await us but remember even the enemy must be granted permission to interfere with us. Therefore, it's not coincidental that you are going through this storm. You were chosen because God has enough faith in you that you will maintain your position in him and make it through. Additionally, you should note that the enemy may touch your situation but not you. There is a special edge of protection around you that cannot be permeated therefore despite all the storm surges know that your season of restoration is on its way if you just maintain your position in Christ. 

