

'BUT' When Christ Is In It

Have you ever thought about how several Bible stories ended surprisingly different from what we would have imagined all because of the presence of God? 

We all know the story of Daniel in the lion's den and in reality we can see how that should have ended but not how it actually did. Now you have a man out of jealousy and hatred plotted against and thrown in the lion's den. Amazingly, we know lion's to be fierce carnivorous creatures but they could not eat Daniel as an angel of the Lord shut their mouths (Daniel 6:22).

Second story is of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego three Jewish boys who were tossed in the fiery furnace again out of jealousy. Nevertheless, they were delivered by God despite the furnace being seven times hotter than usual. It was so hot it consumed the soldiers that took them to it. When King Nebuchadnezzar looked in the furnace he was surprised to see not just three men but instead four men unharmed in the furnace (Daniel 3:25).

The enemy is always plotting against us in an effort to kill our purpose. The schemes are so planned they often look as though it can be written off as a win on their side. Sadly, Satan will use just about anyone or anything to try and distract us from our purpose and our rightly heritage to the throne of God. More often than not attacks come through jealousy and it could be your friend, family, neighbors, co-workers, even your spouse or children. However, as I prayed to God he opened my eyes and thoughts to the fact that he is a powerful God and his kingdom is not of this world and therefore his power cannot be limited to measures of this world. The Lord reminded me that when he is present there is a BUT that changes the entire story.  As I share this post with you today, I want to tell you that out of your situation  a miracle will be birthed. Many of us are guilty for calling older siblings and or parents to deal with our bullies and so too we should call on Daddy Jesus to deal with our bullies. Your story won't end how the enemy imagine it if Christ is in it.  I therefore implore you to not worry but instead to worship the king of kings Jesus Christ and watch your miracle unfold before your eyes. If God hasn't stamped it out, then you shouldn't either because he has the final say and those plotting against you will soon find themselves in their own traps. Therefore don't be intimidated by your haters who plot against you. Don't be threaten by their lying tongues and cunning ways because there is a God in heaven working on your behalf and you shall get out of the trap set for you unharmed.

