

Jesus... the Reason for the Season

With all the dazzling lights and beautifully wrapped gifts under the Christmas tree it's easy to get lost in the true meaning of what this holiday season represents. The noise from all the family gathered together, the sweet aroma of the many meats we have on the grill and the alcohol loaded on the wine racks may all distract us but I dare to remind you that Jesus is the reason for the season. 

Friends let us take some time from the hustle and bustle of the festivities and reflect on what Christmas is all about.  Christmas is the time of year when we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Many argue about the accuracy of the time but honestly that is insignificant, what is important is that he was conceived by the power of the holy ghost and was born of the Virgin Mary (Matthew 1: 18-25; Luke 1:26-38). We celebrate Jesus today not as a baby in a manager anymore, but as Jesus the grown man that died for our sins, was buried and who has risen; Jesus the  one who conquered death.  Jesus birth came before his death and it is very significant for us and the hope we now have. We can truly say that we have a living hope and our hope has a name as what the songwriter says. We know today that our hope is Jesus. 

In the scriptures we can almost always see that whenever Jesus speaks the enemy speaks after trying to counteract what has been said. It is similar in all circumstances, the enemy will tell us it's time to drink as much alcohol and party all day and night and enjoy life. It's just one time of the year so nothing is wrong in over indulging and living life a bit. Contrary, I urge you to be on your guard and remain prayerful that you may not fall prey to the schemes set out to destroy you. Remember the reason for the season and be thankful that Jesus came that we may have life and have it more abundantly. 

It's not about the gifts under the tree but rather about the gift that was placed on the tree for you and I. For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). Jesus birth represents eternal love. It was an act of love when God gave us the wonderful gift of Jesus and that should be our main focus especially during this season.

May this season bring you joy, love and peace that surpasses human understanding. Have a Holy and Happy Christmas filled with the Love of Christ that will outshine the darkness of this world.

