Being The Odd One Out
Have you ever had people questioning your decision? Wondering why, how and when? Well as a young woman choosing to follow Christ it's almost asif I'm on trial each and every day.
People have their own ideas of how you should dress, act and even talk. When these standards are not met you are definitely the odd one out. Many young Christians like myself struggle daily to be accepted for who they are and who they choose to represent. The world as we know it is filled with darkness and this has been the case from the beginning. However, in the beginning God said let there be light and there was light (Genesis 1:2-3). While this verse speaks to the natural light, the truth is there is also the spiritual aspect of darkness and light. Jesus is the light of the world (John 8:12) and as children of God we should reflect this light. If we are true followers of Christ then we can never walk in darkness, but instead have the light of life.
Being a Radiographer, if anyone has any idea of the physics behind the production of conventional x-rays then one will know the term dark room. This is an absolute dark room reserved for the development of X-ray films. No light is allowed during the process except for what is termed a safe light which is usually a red light for easy explanation. I was at work one day and in the dark room about to process some films. The dark room's safe light does not function so this area was entirely black. I pulled in the door as customary and was about to open the cassette case which contains the x-ray film when I noticed the room was not so dark. This immediately drew my attention to the door which wasn't closed properly. I closed the door immediately and proceeded with the process of developing the films. I was there in the room when the Lord immediately opened my mind and spiritual eyes to the fact that the light always over powers the dark. The darkness can never put out the light (John 1:5). The darkness was thick but just an ounce of light and it wasn't so big and bad as it appeared to be.
Walking according to God's will is walking as a light in this dark world. While the world does not like the light that reflects from us, there is nothing the world can do to put out our light if it is a reflection of Christ. I say this to make a distinction between the blinding light and the guiding light. The schemes of the enemy are so many and well thought out that there are some lights that we somehow get confused with thinking they are the same as God's guiding light. They are flashy and catching to the eyes so we gravate to them quickly. The brighter they shine the more we follow but sadly the less we see from this type of light. As my mother would say not everything that glitters is gold, it's the same with these shinny lights that the world have many thinking is the true light. On the other hand, the guiding light which is and comes from God himself is the ultimate light guiding the brighter it gets. The brighter it gets the clearer we see, we don't have to dim this light to see or squint. The brighter we allow it to shine the more we are able to see every little speck of dust that does not belong in us. It doesn't condemn us but rather convict us and causes a lasting change.
The light of Christ must shine within every believer. While some lights shine brighter than others I honestly believe that our lights must shine and should gradually increase it's intensity over time and not in the reserve. If our lights are shining then it's inevitable that the world will see and that is when the questions will come.
So hmm you are a christian huh? Yes ma'am I am and proud to be a member of the family of Christ.
Don't compromise your light that is within you for the glim and glamour of this world but instead take a stand and be the odd one out for Christ, Matthew 5:16, your reward is far greater than anything this world has to offer. Many won't like how you attire yourself, some will even ridicule your decision to not show leg, breast and thigh but stand up for what you believe. The distractions are many but hold fast to the rock, all other grounds are sinking sand. If the light of Christ is in us then we must bear light to this dark world (Luke 11:33).
So hmm you are a christian huh? Yes ma'am I am and proud to be a member of the family of Christ.
Don't compromise your light that is within you for the glim and glamour of this world but instead take a stand and be the odd one out for Christ, Matthew 5:16, your reward is far greater than anything this world has to offer. Many won't like how you attire yourself, some will even ridicule your decision to not show leg, breast and thigh but stand up for what you believe. The distractions are many but hold fast to the rock, all other grounds are sinking sand. If the light of Christ is in us then we must bear light to this dark world (Luke 11:33).
I dare to remind you as I remind myself that our lights can't stay shinning without being plugged to the source, our constant recharging is necessary and is only possible when we are plugged to Jesus, without him we can do nothing(John 15:4-5).
The lord will surely lead light through any darkness 😌