

The Rains Before the Rainbow

Have you ever stopped in awe of the beauty of the rainbow?

The rainbow is quite a picturesque and little children love to see a rainbow. As children of God we too should be in awe of the rainbow not just for the array of colors that splash across the sky but also for the beauty in its meaning and the love God has for us. As we know, the rainbow comes after we have had the rains and this is the tricky part about this magnificent sight.

The saying goes "in order for the rainbow then we must endure the rains".

Many times we find ourselves in a storm and while we are in that storm the only thing we can actually see are the actions of the storm and the devastation it is causing around us. Unfortunately, we are in a storm so long at times that we don't even remember there is a rainbow at the end of it all. We don't even think about the fact that no matter how long the storm rage it must cease at some point. More often we hear people asking when will this storm end? When will my morning come?  We are in that place so long that we are forced to see only what is happening around us with no vision of what lies ahead of us that we start thinking we will be in this storm forever.

Friends don't confuse your journey with your destination. There are 24 hours in each day and while the break of dawn seem so far away and the night so gloomy, day will come nevertheless and it's not an option. If you look closely at your storm conditions you would notice that some things are down due to the strong winds and heavy rains. However, in the midst of it all you are still standing despite how crooked you are walking or how weak you may be. Therefore, if the storms did not destroy you, then it will certainly strengthen you. Importantly, our attitudes while in the storm is what will most times determine our outcome. Are we bent on making it out alive believing strongly that where we are heading is bright and sunny or have we lost hope and would rather die in the storm?

The disciples were in a boat at sea with Jesus when the storms came. They were terrified and we  most likely could relate to this feeling. However, the key thing was that their faith was lacking and it could have cost them. They were so focused on the storm that they could not see Jesus right there. How often are we so caught up in the storms that we take our focus off Jesus? Friends don't allow your storm conditions to make you miss the mark. Don't focus your attention on the storm because there is nothing you can do to alter it, but instead look to the one who controls it. Cling to Jesus and look to him for shelter. He will keep you safe and bring you out safe and stronger. Don't allow your praise to get lost in the winds but instead be thankful and fervent in prayer as you endure.

The storms won't last forever and neither will your troubles and pain. While you can't see any sign of that rainbow remember it comes after every rain and is God's most visible reminder of his promise to us. Therefore, embrace your storms and trust God the one who is indeed in control of even the wind and the waves.

Reference Scriptures:
Matthew 8:23-27
Deuteronomy 31:8
Psalm 30:5
Psalm 107:28-31
Isaiah 4:6
Isaiah 43:2
James 1:2-3

I do not own rights to this song
Song Title: Trouble Don't Last Always
Artist: Rev. Timothy Wright
Album: I'm Glad About It

