

1 Year Anniversary

It's official Light in the Darkness is now a year old. I remember starting this blog last year not knowing what I was really getting into nor how I would keep it alive. However, God's grace have maintained this blog and now it is officially 1 year of light shining in this dark world through spirit lead inspirational articles. It was a slow fourth quarter with not as many articles but it's a year worth celebrating. I am happy for all the support over the year and is looking forward to another blessed year of God's words pouring through my writings. For many years I asked myself what am I good at that I do seamlessly and with a passion; I now realize that I write. I have been blessed with the ability to express thoughts in a way that appeal to others and the ability to share my life experiences with others giving God due glory and making a difference in the lives of those fortunate to read my articles. I am thankful I have such a platform, despite it may actually represent less than 1℅ of the pie.  I am grateful for the opportunity to speak through his medium and look forward to many more years of support from you my avid readers. Thank you, we have made it to one year together!!

