

It's Not Who You Know

Today many people rely on family ties and connections to get by. It may be a manager in the bank, the doctor at a hospital, the receptionist at the insurance office, the superintendent at a police station and the list could go on and on. At the mention of some names automatically you are attended to or even given a free service. Many young graduates may even land themselves jobs simply based on the who you know policy. However, as Christians have we really thought about the advantages of this who you know scheme? 

I can tell you of many instances where this who you know scheme worked and worked well. After graduating from University and completing my internship I was out of a job. The company I did my internship did not have any vacancy at the time and could have only extended my internship by a short period but not hire me permanently.  Therefore, like many of my fellow peers I was left home with a degree but no job. I started volunteering my time at a community basic school. I remember the exact date I saw an email with a posted vacancy in my area of study.  I replied to the email immediately and received a call the following day. However, after attending the interview I realized that my invitation was not based on the application I had sent but on previous connection and a strong recommendation prior to me applying. Yes the who you know scheme worked for me. However, while you may be quick to think about who really sent me that job let me tell you I got that job because I knew Jesus or rather he knew me.  Despite what they had heard about me I know it was God that sent me that job as many other eligible candidates interviewed with similar  recommendations. 

It's not always who you know but who knows you. The word of God says that many will be told to depart from me I knew you not (Matthew 7:21-23). It goes to show it's not who you know but who knows you. Unlike many offices where a connection may be of help, for heaven it is crucial. Jesus is the only connection to the throne (John 14:6). Without knowing him to the extent where he truly knows you, you are doomed. It's through knowing Jesus this strongly that we shall be saved. If you have heard about him and vaguely had an association with him that won't be enough. You have to be real BFF for him to look at his father and confirm knowing you for you to get through the gates of the pearly mansion.

Many have decided to reject his friendships before even giving him a chance (John 3:18; John 12:48). However, as children of the Most High God we must ensure our relationship is tight with him that he easily recognises us. When Jesus knows you your connections are greater than earthly power. Through his friendship doors are opened that not even the richest man on earth can afford to buy. When he knows you, even your enemies become your footstool (Psalms 110:1). Favours become endless and best of all your invitation to the mansion is sure. Get to know Jesus today in a way that your friendship with him is not questionable and your eternity is sure (2 Peter 1:10).

