

Hold With Both Hands

 I was on my way home one evening from work. It was a long day that presented many challenges and I was rather exhausted and just wanted to get home in the shortest possible time. Unlike most days I would have patiently waited for a bus with empty seats, on that particularly evening  my body would not allow for that when I just wanted to get home and retire for the day.  Therefore, the first bus that came that was traveling on my route I gladly boarded, despite there wasn't much room to even stand. I figured with the day's earlier weather and the forecast that was out for the evening many others were eager to get home too.  We were all crammed in the bus, squished like sardines in a can which was quite the norm from time to time in some Caribbean Islands. I was standing closer to the front of the bus as it was already jam packed by the time I had boarded. A young lady was standing beside me in the bus with her cellphone in her hand. She had one hand holding the rail and the other holding the cellphone. She was busy on the phone for most of the journey much to the annoyance of myself and the other passengers whom she constantly leaned heavily on as the bus rocked occasionally. She was unable to stand firm like the rest of us because she had one hand occupied and didn't have a firm grip on the rail. 

As I recalled this incident and how she almost fell badly when the bus took a deep corner the thought came to mind it's the same when we walk with Christ but don't have a firm grip. Often times in the midst of adversities we pray and ask God to bring forth His speedy deliverance for our circumstances. However, while we pray and ask and know in our hearts and by His words that He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask or think of Him we still doubt. This doubt becomes evident when we find ourselves holding to other things. These things whether it be our situations that we haven't turn over to him completely or our own humanly solutions which can never solve the problems, whatever it be, we still tend to hold to these things while reaching to him with our unoccupied hand. However, just as my friend on the bus, so too we will fall especially when we don't have that support to keep us afloat. At the moment our bus rocks we will fall as we are not holding firmly and entirely on Jesus. We can only hold firmly to Jesus when we release everything else and hold with both hands.

Proverbs 3:5-6 teaches that we should lean not to our own understanding but in all our ways acknowledge Christ and He will direct our paths. It didnot say lean not on your own understanding entirely but NOT meaning we should never rely on ourselves but in entirety lean on Christ. I know this seems impractical and very hard to achieve because I can testify that it is not very easy letting go completely of our own notions and therefore I am still learning how to lean and depend on Jesus completely. However, it's not until we let go and let God that we will see the miracles we so desire and therefore I have a personal goal of being able to honestly practice this. We can't continue to just hold for the sake of holding but rather must grip Jesus with both hands.  As a child growing up I often hear the saying, not to place all your eggs in one basket lest you lose all if the basket falls. Contrary, I encourage you as I encourage myself to place all your eggs in Christ, He will never allow them to break and neither can He fall. Back home one of my first Lady's most quoted scripture was Psalm 20:7, some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. We know the God we serve and we know that He is a strong tower (Proverbs 18:10) so let us rest entirely knowing He is able to withstand all the pressure so there is no need for us to hold to our imaginary back ups.

There is a song I discovered on YouTube sung by  Leon Timbo "I lean not on my own understanding"...I share the link below:

