

God Is STILL In Charge

It is Christmas! My favorite time of the year and not for the commercialized aspect of it but because it is the time of the year when family make deliberate effort to spend time together. More importantly, it's the time of the year whether accurate or not when we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and what His coming has done for mankind. 

Therefore as another year comes to a close I think about all I have achieved for this year, as well as those plans I fell short of making a reality this time around. My reflection entails all my trials and triumphs, all the nays sayers that had their own ideas of how I would progress for this year but most importantly what I withstand with Christ in my vessel.

While my year wasn't always on a high note I must admit that the things that worried me occasionally throughout the year don't even matter today. The beauty of time is that it heals. We often worry about today but if we live to see tomorrow we would see that often our deepest worries are nothing really as with time they pass us by. However, I can't give a reflection of my year without thinking about some of the things people did or said about me. It's inevitable that people will talk, good or bad. Many I believe would have enjoyed if they had the power to decide other people's destiny but God is still in charge. I say this to remind you that your year may not have been the best, you may not have accomplished all your goals but God is still in charge. Many times I thought I knew what I wanted and swore it was the best decision I was making but later to realize I'm thankful for unanswered prayers because God is still in charge. He knows our strengths and our weaknesses so trust Him with that job He withheld from you.

Maybe someone tried to hinder your progress, destroy your character and integrity but it's pointless to move into another year worrying about them when you know God is in charge (Psalm 91:4). Furthermore, promotion comes from God not from man so in due time if it's God's will you will achieve all He has planned for you. Don't be too concerned about what others say you will or won't achieve, God has a sure way to prove the doubters wrong. The word of God says that He knew us before we were formed in our mothers' wombs (Jeremiah 1:5) so that is more than enough reason to trust Him with the minor issues this life may present.  Not everyone is going to be for you and the Bible shows us numerous examples from Judas and Jesus, to Joseph and his brothers. The truth is not everyone will believe in you but God is still in charge so believe in yourself and put your trust in God as He is still on the throne.  We need not worry about the little things that affect 1 day of the 365 God has blessed us with. When we give thought to these little things they spill over into weeks and months and rob us of all the blessings God has given us.

There were some things and some people I did not know would cross my path when I started 2017. There were some trials I thought would have killed me but with only a few days to go before Christmas I am here still standing. Don't allow the schemes of the enemy to take down 2018 before it has even started. Vengeance belongs to God (Romans 12:19) so trust God and be reminded He still is in charge. You may have developed some rare disease over this year but if you are reading this I can tell you that God is still in charge. I have lost a number of persons over this year; probably the first year for me to know so many people who passed away and were close to me in one way or another so if you are battling some illness but still in the fight be thankful because God is still in charge.

As the year slowly comes to an end and we celebrate the season let us be thankful for the birth of Jesus and what it has done for us. It matters not what our fights in this life are because they are fixed. The victory belt already has our names engraved because Jesus Christ came and defeated our adversary (1 Corinthians 15:57, Romans 8:37) so we only need to trust Him and believe He is still in charge.

