

Be Prepared

So in my line of duty from time to time I have to respond to emergency calls. With this, I am rostered to be on stand by, ready and waiting. Last Thursday I was rostered to respond to emergencies if any on that day. I got up early and  showered, had my clothes out and ready with my phones fully charged and my car in proper working order if any casualties. The most unfortunate thing about this scenario was that there were no sureties I would receive a call even though I was all ready to go. As I sat at home in my alert mode, the Lord said to me that just as how I was ready and waiting not knowing when I would be called just the same  I should ensure I am ready and waiting for his return as I know not when he  will put in his  appearance. This thought about my state of readiness  if God should surely put in his appearance lingered in my mind for the remainder of the day. I couldn't help but think on Mark 13:33-37 which advises sternly to be on the alert.

As I waited in alert mode as I call it, I started to feel that I could let down my hair  a bit and enjoy the bliss of the holidays as there was no guarantee I would need to leave home. However, as I was about to get all comfortable my phone rang; there in the midst of it I received a call to attend to a patient. Many times as Christians we are ready but we don't remain ready. The lord showed me on that morning that getting ready was one thing but remaining ready is another. Had I decided to go back to bed I would have missed the call and so too if we are alert only for a time in our christian walk then surely we will miss God as  we don't know when he will return. Not only should we attire in readiness but the word of God is clear to mention that we must keep our lamps lit. Not just light them for only a time but keep them burning in anticipation (Luke 12:35-38).

As I quickly pulled on a jeans and my scrub top and headed out on my journey, I wasn't very far away from home when there came the rushing of the rain. It rained so hard I could hardly see the roads. Well, as common sense can tell I took my time and cautiously proceeded to my destination. As a continuation or probably confirmation of what God had told me  earlier, again he spoke clearly: "The race is not to the swift". Its not about how fast we get ready but more about keeping on track ( Ecclesiastes 9:11; Matthew 24:13). Many times there will be  some folks  who are moving on a  faster pace than us. They get saved and immediately they recognise their ministries and  are  on the go. However, don't be concerned about that, but instead just be sure that you are ready and moving in the  right direction. This is not excuse  for us to come to Christ for years and still exhibit no spiritual growth but instead encouragement to travel at your own pace. If I foolishly decided I was going to race my way to the facility in the rain then I probably would not have the luxury to share this experience with you. Don't try to rush to the end at dangerous speeds above your ability unless you will slide and fall and in some instances not able to get back up and complete the race. Yes she got saved after you and is already a prophetess or an evangelist but remember titles come from God not man. God knows our abilities and each of us has a specific purpose in the kingdom so don't allow envy to be the reason you run yourself out the race. Anything or anyone that jeopardizes your chances of receiving the crown of glory must be put aside as salvation is nearer than we believe (Romans 13:11). Continue to stand your ground and fight the good fight making it to the end. The good thing is that in this race of spiritual Olympics it is not who gets there first but who gets to the end, so run to win the prize of completion (1 Corinthians 9:24-25).

As the lord spoke to me clearly and showed me natural things with a spiritual eye so too I encourage you to be ready and stay ready. Desist from any behaviour that will cause you to not be ready or that will compromise your chances of making it to the end (Hebrews 12:1-3). I am not certain what your state of readiness is, but, as for me this serves as a wake up call to be ready and remain ready so I can make it to the end Revelation 3:3.

