

The Power of Praise and Obedience

The word praise and expressions of same is used extensively throughout the Bible. In fact the entire book of Psalms is based on praise. It is rather amazing that as children of God we still have not realised the power of our praise. Too often we praise God out of routine, just going through the motions without our hearts truly matching our words. While we can fool others with our outward actions and performance for want of a better word, we simply cannot fool God. He knows our hearts and he knows the sincerity of our praise. As I read the story of Jericho in Joshua 6:1-27, it tells of the Isrealites victory over Jericho. However what I have always found to be of interest is the people's patience and obedience through the strategic actions  of the victory. They were given specific instructions they had to adhere to. Moreover, on the  seventh day they were told to do what they never did on the first six days. They were told to give out a war cry; to shout because the Lord had  given them the city ( Joshua 6:16).  It was not by power or  by might that they were granted victory but simply through praise and obedience. At times, God may give specific instructions but to our human nature this seem like madness. Many of us would have asked how can we walk around a  wall and win the battle? Contrary, we see clearly where the praises of the people carried much weight to the extent of the wall crumbling before them. Moreover, from this story we notice that when God is about to do something big, you may be required to do what you have  never done. They walked  all of six days but only on the  seventh day they made a shout. This tells me we must be in the mindset to follow instructions, to go against human principles and adhere to the instructions of the holy ghost. Too often God wants to use us but we think twice before we act. We question the sense in what seems like nonsense. However, here in Joshua we see clearly where praise and obedience can bring you through. If we examine ourselves, we all can identify instances where if only we were humble and would realise the power of praise then we would have gained victory over so many things that seem to defeat us daily.

Praise should be constant. Praise should be sincere and strongest when no one is watching. It should not be something we do in hope of getting something in return despite it is proven in this story that with praise you wont need to move a finger to gain victory over the enemy. Another lesson God has opened my eyes to in Joshua 6:16 is the fact that the praise go before the blessing and not after as many of  us practice. Quite often we praise God only after he blesses us with the house, car, financial aids or even through healing. We find it rather difficult to praise God in advance while we ride out our storms. When we are going through our seasons of drought we cant praise him, but the script clearly points that the praise went before the blessing. Joshua told the people go ahead, praise God because he has already given you the city.  While the victory was yet to come they praised God. They didnt know if they would get the victory but they praised him anyhow. Therefore, let us be obedient and praise God anyhow. No money, praise God anyhow. No job, praise God anyhow. Sick onto death, praise God anyhow. Can't see a way out, praise God anyhow. Walk around your Jericho wall with confidence that no matter how strong it is or how high it be, you have a weapon that is  greater and  stronger than the walls. Let your praise be your logo, wear it loud and proud. No matter what the situation is, remember God is worthy to be praised. His mercies endureth for ever (psalm 117); His name alone is excellent (Psalm 148:13). Let everything that has breath indeed praises the Lord ( Psalm 150).


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