

Grow Through the Rejection and Pain

I have learnt that it matters not where you are from or who you hang with, you will experience some pain and disappointment in life. Not everyone will cheer you on or speak words of encouragement over you. The enemy will always seek to bring opposition to your purpose. He will gather as many to throw dirt on you. However, when you know that you know God is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him (Hebrews 11:6) you will have faith that he will bring you through. 

Joseph should have been fairly safe in his brothers company as one of the youngest. It's only natural that older siblings look after the younger ones. Unfortunately, this was the opposite for Joseph. He had a purpose and the enemy was trying to kill that purpose so he planted a spirit of jealousy in Joseph's brothers toward him. The story of Joseph and his brothers is known to almost every Sunday school child and is found in Genesis 37:1-36 and onward. There is so much to learn from Joseph's experience and how he grew through the pain and rejection to give birth to his purpose.

David like Joseph went through great rejection and ridicule. In the book of 1 Samuel there are a number of times when David was rejected. He was first rejected by his parents when Samuel was looking to anoint the next king (1 Samuel 16:6-12). David was not even invited to see Samuel in the first place despite he was there to select from one of Jesse's sons. It's clear that Jesse nor his other sons did not consider David King material and there was no need to invite him in. Nevertheless, David was God's chosen. David was again rejected by his brothers when he opted to challenge Goliath. They told him to go home as he wasn't fit for the battle (1 Samuel 17:20-28). 

Rejection and the pain it breeds is real. Moses too was challenged by his own sister Miriam (Numbers 12: 1-2). Rejection is not a new thing and sadly it most often comes from the people we love the most. Those who are the nearest and dearest to our hearts. The ones we would do just about anything to see them happy are the very ones who are quick to stab us in the back and even in our faces. You may be experiencing some rejection or opposition at work, school, in your marriage, in your family or even at church but like the men and women of the Bible who were rejected you too shall give birth to your purpose. The Lord will fight for you ( Jeremiah 51:36).  Stand your ground and allow God to work it out on your behalf. The Egyptians you see today you won't see no more. It's not very easy to hug pain and embrace faith in the hardest moments but it is then when you feel God has forgotten you that he is working the hardest for you. 

Not everyone is going to be for you and especially when you are walking this journey to righteousness opposition will come at you like never before. Be encouraged and know that like Joseph, you will be promoted from the pit to the palace if you can trust God. Many times what the enemy think will kill you actually aids your purpose. The dirt was meant to suffocate you but he stupidly forget that you need dirt to grow. Brethrens the sweetest victories are the ones nobody believed you would have won. After all promotion comes from God not man, so relax and grow through the dirt that has been thrown on you. 

