

Never Stop Asking

In Matthew 7:7-8 we are told to ask and it shall be given, seek and ye shall find, for everyone that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth. Children are known to ask continuously of their parents whatever it is that they desire until they receive it. Be it that birthday or Christmas gift, that extra allowance, you name it but they will ask even to the point of nagging until it is granted. Well it should be the same with our Heavenly Father as he has already given us permission to ask of him. 

1 Thessalonians 5:17 tells us to pray without ceasing and we know that it is through prayer that we communicate with our Father in heaven therefore we can almost interpret the scripture to mean we are to never stop asking of God what it is that we desire. While not everything that we ask of God will be granted but instead those things that are in alignment with his will he hears us and will give in his perfect timing (1 John 5:14). To have a true relationship with God we must first understand the roles played in the relationship and know that God loves us with an everlasting love. He will not give us things that will not serve us well, nor will he give us anything before it's due season (Matthew 7:9). However we must be careful we get discouraged and stop asking of him. God is a loving God and he wants us to approach him boldly in prayer like a child approaching his father and ask continuously until it is granted. 

How many things have you asked of God that is yet to be delivered? Have you stopped asking or are you still making your petition known unto God? You have been praying for your children to be saved, have you stopped praying about this as a sign you have lost hope or are you fervently asking in faith and believing the God of Abraham can and will deliver? That health issue you are struggling with, that broken marriage you want him to badly restore, the house you need, the deliverance you seek from that life you want to give up, the anointing you desire, have you received it as yet or are you going to throw in the towel? It matters not how big or small the favor is never stop putting it before the king. Your day of hearing will come forth with the stamp of approval. Therefore when you feel like it's not worth asking again, it's indication that you need to go down on your knees and ask one more time. Know that God has not forgotten you, he knows your name and have your case pending.

