

Don't Get Distracted

So it's Easter and of course there are Easter eggs and bunnies and all the chocolate the world has to give. It is indeed quite similar to Christmas where Santa tries to rain on the parade and many are sidetracked in the shopping, food and gifts. However, for believers Easter is not just another holiday to be merry but one of the most observed and sacred time when we reflect and bask in the glory of Jesus resurrection. The birth of Jesus is one of the greatest gift God gave men yet Easter which marks Jesus crucifixion and resurrection is the greatest of all.  Many years ago the Son of God became the Son of Man as he took on flesh and walked this earth with one aim and that was to redeem us from our sins, the sting of death (1 Corinthians 15:55-57). 

The word of God tells us that it was amazing love when God gave us His only begotten son that we who believe may have eternal life (John 3:16).  It was this unprecedented love why Jesus endured torment and was crucified in order for mankind to be reconnected to God. As sin and ultimately death came in the world through one man, so too was the resurrection through one man our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Romans 5:12-17;  1 Corinthians 15:21). Yes! Jesus life here on earth was all about dying for the sins of all , though he himself was without sin. When he said it was finish on that Calvary cross he broke the power of death and gave each and everyone the opportunity to be reconciled to God. Without Jesus death and resurrection we would all be lost and destined for hell.

The plan of the enemy as I have always said is to keep us from knowing who we are. If the devil in all his schemes can succeed in keeping us ignorant to our lineage then he can have his way. Hence, it is by no surprise that Easter to many is all about Easter bunnies and bun and cheese if you are from my neck of the woods and other passed on traditions. Nevertheless, we as Christians must be fervent in sharing the knowledge of Jesus with the lost world. While, we don't seek to keep children away from a little Easter or Christmas magic, we must ensure that our families truly understand the reason for each season and that it is observed as it rightly should.  In the book of Judges 2:8-11 we see that after Joshua's death and the people of his generation that the children were lost because there was a break down in the transfer of knowledge. Let us therefore take heed to not be consumed in the commercial aspect of these holy observances, but instead pass on that which we know will save our children and all our generations to come from eternal death. As I have heard the phrase: when the enemy cannot destroy you, his job will be to distract you. Don't be distracted people of God, keep your eyes on Jesus.

Have a Holy Easter. Jesus is alive!! He did not just die but most importantly he has resurrected (Luke 24:1-12).

