

Wait! You Are Next In Line

Yesterday I had to visit the bank. Now, for those who know me well will know this is not the sort of trip I anticipate. I simply dislike having to go there and wait in the long lines that somehow seem to be a permanent structure of these facilities. I therefore take pleasure in utilising online banking services as much as possible or automated banking when there is an option. Nevertheless, to say the least I had to go in bank yesterday and join the queue. 

As I got in the bank I released a heavy sigh as confirmation of how I dreaded having to go and wait. I quickly got in line and waited. As I was in the line, like almost everytime the Lord reminded me of what He showed me so many other times about the wait. I am not certain if it's the quietness of the bank why He never ceases to show me this whenever I queue up in the bank. However, as I was there and the lines slowly progressed, I heard him say wait, you are next in line. The truth of it is that I somehow was trying to think if I could leave and return another day to get the transaction done. I know that would not solve my problem of having to wait in line but it pleased my emotions at the moment so I thought about it anyhow. 

As I waited in line as instructed, I got more anxious when there were about five persons ahead of me. Honestly, I joined the line with over 30 persons ahead of me and not once was I so anxious as when there were only five people ahead. The Lord spoke again and this time I heard Him say you are next in line for your blessing, don't skip ahead, don't leave, just wait. At this time I was a bit taken aback. I thought about the many times in my childhood years I would occasionally ask a friend or relative for a skip in a long line.  Back home my cousin would host a annual Christmas treat for the kids and they would be required to join the line to receive their gifts. I recall the person handing out the gifts would just randomly take a gift that was age appropriate and give to the next child in line. Many of the children would ask a friend or relative for a skip in line as I did too at that age. However, many would be disappointed if the person before or after them received a particular gift that they had hoped to receive. As I remember those instances I thought about what God was saying to me. 

I am not going to dispute beliefs that what God has for me is for me. However, what if we got so anxious and just could not wait until it was rightly our turn and therefore what we got was an unfinished gift or a gift that was not really intended for us? Many times as Christians we can become weary about promises God made to us and for some reason it seem asif these promises would never come to pass. We then kept nagging, getting anxious and sadly even upset God has not yet delivered. What if we just needed to wait just another day, week, month or year before He would perfect what He has for us? Waiting in line is not something I believe any of us like to do but it is necessary from time to time. The waiting humbles us and strengthens us when we endure. God knows us deeper than by mere names. He knows the count of hair on our heads and the desires of our hearts. Waiting out your season is necessary. Don't get discouraged and think His promise will not come to pass. Sarah and Abraham had to wait all of 25 years before God's promise was fulfilled. While they grew weary and decided to act to achieve the promise, the truth is that the promise had to be delivered in the fullness of time (Genesis 12, 15-16) . Therefore, don't rush the process by trying to get ahead and lose your rightful place in line. Just wait and be humbled when you do. The more anxious you become may very well be a sign of how close you are to your breakthrough. The devil has a way to play on our emotions especially when he sees that your victory is in arms reach.

The next time you join the queue, tell yourself that you too will soon be at the front. You too will be served any minute and most importantly you are strong enough to endure and wait the process.  Wait! You are next in line, what God has for you is grand (Isaiah 40:31). It takes time to deliver your special order.


  1. We all hate waiting however most times it's in our best interest to just be patient we never know what is in store for us

  2. Excellent article!! Thank you


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