

Manual Sixty six....The Greatest Book of All Times

Having a Christian blog is not a walk in the park. After all, how many are truly interested in hearing about the wonders of God when it's much more enticing to read the local gossip column? And for those who should care, there are thousands of blogs to choose from, so how do I go about maintaining my readers interest? Well I simply write from my heart and from guidance of the holy spirit as I am forced to see my daily activities and experiences through my spiritual eyes. I find that when God leads, writing becomes easy. I know this fact also from writing poems that when God lays it on my heart my poetry flows and connects strongly without much effort. The guide of the holy spirit is still relevant in today's world despite what we are forced to think. Many times we find ourselves in uncomfortable places and despite all our efforts things seem rather impossible. Simple task becomes burdensome and what should be an easy thing becomes our biggest nightmare.

When we live a life with Christ knowing him personally and not just knowing about him the impossible becomes possible. The holy spirit is God's gift to us. Remember the spirit only came after Jesus physically left, as the scriptures say to teach and lead us in all truth. Growing up and seeing some Christians, Christianity was not something I could really wrap my head around. I saw many adults who were Christians but never Christ-like. After getting baptized I then observed many young leaders in church who displayed that Christ-like attitude and spiritual growth and maturity while older Christians were simple withering away. I then realized that the number of years in Christ did not matter, but instead how deep a relationship you have with Jesus. Many long for that spiritual growth but can't find it because they search in areas outside of that one place it can be found. The Bible is by no doubt the greatest book of all time. Within the 66 books contained in it we can find guidance for all areas of our lives. Sadly, many of us only feed ourselves once a week, month or even year with God's word and often find ourselves from one thing to the next but with no connection or success. We experience failure and depression in many aspects of life whether this be in our jobs, relationships, careers, marriages, you name it. We are not operating to our maximum capacity because we are not in accordance to what the manual says. If we buy any product and find that it is not functioning to the maximum capacity we quickly check our owners manual to troubleshoot. We don't go trying different things and testing what may or may not work but we confidently read the manual or package insert to see what instructions have been given. Well it is the same in this life. Remember we are the work of God's hand. Therefore, He is the creator of us all whether believers or not. We were all made by God. How we choose to operate is separate and for another discussion however God is our owner.

It is therefore vital that we seek out instructions from our owners manual, the Bible. God has blessed us tangible with this gift that provides insight on every possible malfunction we may have. If you can think of a possible malfunction in this life then  best believe God's owners manual provides answers. The beauty about God's words through this great book is that it does not only show us half of the story or a one sided affair. The Bible tells us of great men and women who enjoyed God's blessings and many riches but also of many who suffered like many of us are suffering with illnesses, depression, leadership and lost of family members etc. Let us therefore stop trying to fit in areas we were never meant to be and fixing things on our own. It only makes life stressful when we could easily consult our manuals for an easy fix as your situation is nothing the manual does not cover. The holy spirit is our guide, it directs us to our assigned paths in this life that have already been ordained by the master himself. However, it's through reading the word and developing that relationship with God we will unleash our full potential. When we pray we speak to God and when we read the holy Bible God speaks to us. Communication is a two way thing so  it's pointless to pray but not read His words to hear from him. Reciting a few scriptures and being able to quote them is just not enough. I have since found that everytime I read the Bible be it the same scripture there is a different view on it that God has revealed to me relevant to my current situation. Let us therefore take pleasure in reading the word and operating according to our manuals.

Let us pray

Dear Heavenly and righteous father, creator of heaven and earth we thank you for your grace and mercy, we thank you for your power but Lord we also thank you for your tangible gift to us the holy Bible.
Lord allow us the mind power to read your words that we can know you better. Lord we understand and admit that knowing just a little bit about you is not good enough when there is so much to learn. Lord we ask that we will never be comfortable with what we know about you so far, but will always have a deep yearning to know you more.
Father allow us to use this manual to unleash our full potential and stop living half filled lives. We pray that we will desperately seek and find the answers we desire to be able to walk according to your plans for us. Lord let us read your words that we can use it as our weapon against the plans and snares of the devil. Let us know your words that we may encourage a soul today in need of your grace. Father in the name of Jesus we exhalt your name above all other name and ask that your will be done in us as it is done in heaven. In Jesus name we pray Amen .

