

Will Your Hardened Heart Say Yes?

So we are officially at the end of 2017. In fact, in 2 days and a few hours we will be in a new year. As the year comes to a close, many reflect on the year and plan ahead for the future. For some, 2017 was a cruel year taking lives, homes, jobs and health among other things. However, with a new year approaching, it signifies new hopes, dreams and aspirations. 2018 has the potential to be your best year or your worst year with a tight 50/50 chance on either side. How your year turns out is ultimately in your hands. My question is, will you let your hardened heart say yes to God for 2018? 

Saying yes to God does not mean you will have a magical year. It does not mean you will have a sick free year. It does not signify you will get the house or car you hope to acquire. Neither does it mean you will get that sought-after job or position you desire. Saying Yes to God means you recognize your limited ability and is willing to submit to a higher power in whom ALL things are possible (Matthew 19:26). Saying Yes signifies you are ready to take a step back from trying to accomplish it all on your own and allow the shepherd to lead you (Psalms 23). Saying Yes, indicates you are ready to unleash and build your eternal treasure where it can't be destroyed(Matthew 6:19-20). Saying Yes signifies that you recognize that your strength is not from you and there is a refuge you can take shelter in the midst of the storms(Proverbs 18:10; Psalms 46:1-3). 

2017 for me was not the perfect year based on what most people would expect from a great year, however it was actually my best year and by my definition, perfect. It was not a challenge free year as I had problems rolling in from all directions, sometimes seemingly all at once. I did not get "lucky" to discover some family will or treasure left for me.  2017 for me like many others had it's ups and downs, however 2017 was the year I matured spiritually. I wasn't always faithful to God, as He had been to me but I sure did learn to trust God through it all. When you decide to say Yes to God, what you are ultimately saying is Lord I will trust you in the midst of the storms. As I previously said how the year turns out is really in your hands and it is for this reason knowing we are limited in our capacity to take such charge saying Yes you hand that over to the master who will safeguard you and your plans. 

I like to tell people Christianity is not about rules as some religions but about a relationship. It's when you have a relationship with God that you will trust Him even when it does not feel like things are going too well.  If you are married and your husband assures you that he will take care of the bills this month but to your knowledge the expenses exceed the income, do you run around like a headless chicken or do you sit and say okay I will see what happens? While you may worry a bit, not sure how he will do it, you may say that you will give it time and see how he gets it done. The fact is, you afford him your trust to do it or atleast try to do it. With God, it's almost the same except you need not worry if He is able to do it, as we know He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). 

My question for you then is, Are you ready to experience your best year or your worst year? With Christ in your vessel you can smile at the storm not because it is not dangerous but because you know that the God you serve controls even the winds and the waves (Matthew 8:27).
 Therefore, will your hardened soul say Yes to Jesus? Will you afford him that trust to handle your business on your behalf knowing He loves you with an everlasting love and has your best interest at heart? My advice to you is let Jesus take care of you. Let Him hide you under His wings and shelter you. Let him open doors you cannot even discover on your own. Let Him cushion you from the fall if you so do. The cost for all these services comes at no additional charge to you as He paid the price with His own blood.  Now that sounds like a deal to me.

I urge you therefore to let 2018 be your year to say Yes!

